Kristina You is a multidisciplinary designer based in New York, NY and a recent graduate from the ITP Program at NYU. Her practice focuses on UI/UX, interaction design, print design, and brand development.

︎︎︎Introduction to Computational Media

Week 12 Exercise

Part 1

• Research your proposal and collect some notes

Part 2

• Write a blog post to share with the class in a 2-minute presentation.

︎︎︎Sho Shibuya: The New York Times paintings (source)

︎︎︎colorpalette.cinema (source)

︎︎︎ (source)

︎︎︎Blue Note Re:imagined graphics/branding by Jason Vaz

︎︎︎iMdb list of best movies of all time

︎︎︎The New York Times front page

  • Inspirations/How did you become interested in this idea? quotes, photographs, products, projects, people, music, political events, social ills
I became interested in this idea in thinking about what kind of experience I could create with the material that we have learned in this course. I really enjoyed the project that we saw in our last class and the guided experience of a progressing song that is supplemented with the visual pairing of abstracted shapes. I started to think about how I can create an experience like this and what kind of narrative/context I wanted to work with. 

 In thinking about this, I was reminded of Sho Shibuya’s paintings that have recently become very well received on social media recently where he paints (usually) an abstracted painting over the front cover of the New York Times that represents the news stories for that day. I thought that it would be interesting to take inspiration from this project and work with news media and the content of each day’s top news stories and abstract the materials in a way that can capture the atmosphere. 

I also started to think about if there are any other narratives that I can portray in this light and thought about ‘Colorpalette.cinema’, an instagram account that showcases the primary color palettes that are used in iconic contemporary films. I thought that this could also be an interesting topic to create a guided experience using color palettes and iconic images to showcase some of the best rated films. 

  • Source material-drawings, images, videos, sounds, text
  • Code • your own sketches and/or other people's sketches

Some of the sources for this project that I thought about was the before mentioned project and also, the scrolling page experience that is shown for apple product pages. I really enjoy the natural progression of images, text and videos that are harmonious and quick and easy for the user to perceive while they are scrolling through. 

  • Ideas for title • and maybe a 1-sentence description?
A working title for the project idea using news stories would be ‘Front and Center: Visualized’ and one that would work with films would be ‘A scroll to remember:Greatest cinematic pieces visualized’. I think that an appropriate description for both of these ideas would be, an interactive guided experience through (the most important events/news of this day/ the top rated films in history. 

  • Context • What is the story? Who's it for? How will people experience it? Is it interactive? Is it practical? Is it for fun? Is it emotional? Is it to provoke something?
I think that this could be intended for anyone, especially for those who are visual learners and more perceptive to visual information. That was one of the aspects that I wanted to pick up on from Sho Shibuya’s paintings and colorpalette.cinema because there isn’t a lot of apparent information but they are both effective in communicating the important messages to users. 

  • Questions for your classmates
  • • What are you unsure of, conceptually and technically? On what aspect(s) would you like feedback?
I think what I would like to get feedback on is if the idea seems clear/easy to grasp, if there are any other elements that I could add to make them more original, and if scrolling would be the best interaction for this project. Are there any other ideas for interactive elements that would fit this project? I do have some hesitation about creating one long scroll because it could become tiring or too much movement for the user to interact with.


Last Updated:  April 9, 2023