Kristina You is a multidisciplinary designer based in New York, NY and a recent graduate from the ITP Program at NYU. Her practice focuses on UI/UX, interaction design, print design, and brand development.

︎︎︎Introduction to Computational Media

Week 14 - Final Project

Project Title ︎︎︎

A Scroll down Colors of the Best Rated Films of All Time

Project Description ︎︎︎

This project is a scrolling experience through the best rated films according to ImDb and colorpalette.cinema. It presents an opportunity for the user to experience each film while scrolling through the color palette and the soundtrack of the film.

Final Iteration ︎︎︎

code- part (1/4)
           part (2/4)
           part (3/4)
           part (4/4)
preview- part (1/4)
               part (2/4)
               part (3/4) 
              part (4/4)

  • What were some of the successes and challenges? What did you learn?

Some successes with this project was that I was able to achieve the very basic concepts that I was aiming for during the ideation stages of this project. I was able to create a scrolling experience that presented each film through its color palette and audio experience. Overall, I was satisfied that I was able to fix the issues that I was having during the playtest phase of the project and come up with solutions for them. 

Some challenges for this project included the fact that I did experience some limitations in creating a long scroll in one p5.js sketch as I noticed that the sketch ran noticeably slower with so many media files attached to a single sketch (especially in the audio quality), as well as the fact that once the height of the sketch exceeded 8000 pixels, the sketch became so slow in loading that it could not be used. Therefore, I had to come up with the solution of creating 4 separate sketches in the end. Also during the process of creating this project, there were additional ideas that I had hoped to include such as animations of images according to the mouse position, smoother transitions to the gradients, more refinement to the actual design, and a movie recommendation according to color feature at the end of the experience. Although due to time limitations I was not able to execute all of these ideas for this round of revisions, I definitely hope to accomplish these goals for future iterations of this project. 

  • How do you feel about WHY you want to use code in your work now compared with the beginning of the semester?

I feel that compared to the beginning of the semester, I learned so much more about coding than I previously did which allows me to now think of ideas to incorporate code into any body of work. I definitely feel like I could add more interactive elements to the design work that I was previously and am still doing now which is exactly what I was hoping for during the beginning of the semester. Although I do not feel like expert in coding quite yet, I am eager to learn more. Also, I feel that throughout this course I not only learned how to code but also about how much possibility in creation can be established with coding. Before I did not have much knowledge about the kinds of incredible projects that are made with code and would love to experiment with different kinds of projects in the future!

Visual References (more info on -> Week 12) ︎︎︎

︎︎︎Sho Shibuya: The New York Times paintings (source)

︎︎︎colorpalette.cinema (source)

︎︎︎ (source)

︎︎︎Blue Note Re:imagined graphics/branding by Jason Vaz

︎︎︎iMdb list of best movies of all time

︎︎︎The New York Times front page


Last Updated:  April 9, 2023