Kristina You is a multidisciplinary designer based in New York, NY and a recent graduate from the ITP Program at NYU. Her practice focuses on UI/UX, interaction design, print design, and brand development.

︎︎︎Tangible Electronics for Teaching and Learning

Week 7 Assignment: Project Brainstorm & Prototyping

Reading Responses:

Michelle Fine, “Youth Participatory Action Research”

This talk by Michelle Fine about social justice regarding educational opportunities reiterated and rationalized a lot of the ideas that have been circulating around social injustice for a while now. I think she talks a lot about what we have discussed in this course already and how students who have directly been impacted by lack of opportunities and social justice should be able to have a sea at the table where innovation and reform are happening. I think that it is no secret that disparities in wealth, race, and gender have brought unjust educational opportunities for many generations now- I think that it is really great that Fine points all of these crucial points out during her talk and about how having conversations with students who are currently experiencing these issues can bring so much to the table. One thought I had while watching this talk was that it did seem quite outdated already, as it was originally given in 2013. It was great that she was advocating to give marginalized students a magnified voice, but I didn’t hear too much about how it should change. I guess the fact that it sounded outdated is possibly a positive sign in that such ideas don’t seem so new any more and more work has been done to address these issues, but at the same time such educational disparities are still very much a issues even after all of the work that has been done. The talk reminded me that there is still so much to be done in this area and once again reminded me that instead of speculating what those in challenging situations need, hearing from them directly and getting their active input is the number one step in progressing towards a solution. 


Last Updated:  April 9, 2023